Thursday, December 27, 2012

USASJ Story Project- Dec 27 WEAVER

Roy Weaver and his latest ride.

STORY No. 73

Age 57
Colorado Springs, CO
Navarino, WI; UNH; USST

The greatest story for me is knowing all these skiers and coaches during my eight short years of living and breathing the sport of ski jumping.  From my first jump at Navarino Wisconsin in 1968, to my first training camp at Iola, to the Kiwanis Ski Club of Iron Mountain with the agony and glory of Pine Mountain,  to UNH and the 1976 US Ski Team. I competed in the central Division and the Eastern Division so I was blessed with knowing so many skiers that might not have traveled  to different parts of the country. It was challenging, frustrating, and incredibly rewarding.  We all lived in each other’s glory and felt each other's pain.  I followed many of these guys up and down so many hills.  I listened to their advice and hopefully shared in the richness of their experience.  I hope the sport endures for many years so we can all continue to live vicariously through those that represent our dreams today.  

On behalf of my father Ralph who loved the sport so dearly and my beloved daughter who only got to hear all my stories about these great people.  I wish she could have met all of them. They all represent the highest standard in their commitment to the sport and each other. 

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